how to raise a boy as a gentleman

How To Raise A Boy To Be A Gentleman

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Read Time:3 Minute, 49 Second



Hello Folks!

In this blog, I am going talk about How To Raise A Boy To Be A Gentleman in 2022. Parenting is no easy task. Being a mother of two, I exactly know how hard it can be at times. Don’t be scared, we all have our time.


We all are faced with great challenges along the way, but what matters is the end product.


So here, I am with a few tips on how to groom children, especially boys/sons.


The number one tip we, as parents can follow in grooming our boys/sons, is to talk things out with them. There is always something going on in their little minds. Whatever is there, does come out sooner or later.


As a parent, it is our responsibility to help them ease their thoughts, however, troublesome might it be. This act will give them the surety that as a parent, we are always there for them.


Secondly, to groom boys/sons, start assigning small tasks to them. Tasks such as cleaning their rooms, picking up their toys, and putting away the dinner plates. This will induce a sense of discipline in the children.


Thirdly, try to assess their likes and dislikes. Some children might like to wash the dishes yet others might like to prepare food in the kitchen with or without your help.


Ask them to help you out with food preparations in the kitchen.


This will not only enhance your bond with them but will also lead them towards being more responsible in the later years of life.


Fourthly, encourage their ideas of creativity or ideas related to money making. Children who have parents’ support at their back tend to make great success in their future lives as compared to those children who are always discouraged by their ideas.


Fifthly, spent time with your children like watching their favorite TV shows or it can either be a game. Don’t ever think it’s boring.


It is the time we are investing in them that will be rewarded to us in so many ways, we are unaware of.


Sixth, we should teach our children, especially boys to respect women of all age brackets. When we will observe a value system, our self, they automatically will follow it.


And if we are not clear our self why do we expect them to be clear? So the lines have to be clearly defined.


Seventh, never insult your children in front of anyone especially your maternal and paternal relations not to mention the outside world.


For in the long run if they turn out to be the opposite of what they were, they would never be appreciated for what they have become but would always be remembered as who they were.


Eighth, trust your children in what they tell you. If you trust them today, they will not betray your trust in the future but if it’s vice versa you have deformed them for life.


At the same time, as a parent, you need to have a hawk’s eye. After all, you are the parent and know your child in and out. However, no need to make it obvious to them. Observe and apply.


Ninth, to make them productive citizens of the community, set a positive example in front of them. As it is said; Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.


Lastly, I would ask all mothers out there to keep on observing other people’s lives who have raised wonderful sons. Interview them, talk to them and see what differences have they done and what you are missing.


It is always good to learn from other people’s experiences rather than going through the same mistakes.


I would like to add that there is no ready-made recipe for bringing up boys. We have to experiment with every stage of children’s growing up.


Some things might work well with one child whereas for others a different set of strategies might be needed.


But what is more efficient is your communication with the child. Only this, will help you in understanding the true nature of your children and act accordingly.


In the end, I would like to express my gratitude to all mothers who despite their professional life, and hectic household chores still try their best to balance their lives and in that balance work hard to raise good children, especially boys.


Happy Reading.

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